Bucket Lists
In 2010 I left an airline job after almost two decades. I had made some amazing friendships and it was a tough decision to leave, but it gave me the opportunity to spend one full year with my mom before she died. My last days at work I passed around a book to stay connected with my friends and instead of just asking for their phone number or email, I asked for them to add a bucket list item to their note. With my own additions, the list totaled in the 300’s. Over the years I’ve had more friends add to the list and all along I’ve been slowly checking them off. Now the fun part is that when I write my own items down they come from me, but when others add to the list it can be something completely off the wall and out of my comfort zone. Another point to make here is that many people believe a bucket list only contains exotic locations or death defying acts (it has some of both) but truly anything can be added. Here are some examples of mine-
#10 pay for someone’s dinner anonymously
#36 Hunt for a dinosaur bone
#59 See the inside of Seti’s tomb
#72 Invite a homeless person to Thanksgiving dinner
#92 Cheer for the Yankees (ha I’m a die hard California Angels fan)
#116 Ride every ride in Disneyland in one day
#163 Learn another language
#213 Change somebody’s life
#244 Go jousting at a Renaissance Fair
#300 ride an elephant
Your bucket list can honestly have anything on it. Of my current list, I only have 48 accomplished so far, but that’s what makes the challenge fun. In my monthly newsletter, I include a bucket list item from my own list for my readers. The October challenge was #34 Do 3 random acts of kindness in one day. Something that this world is sorely in need of right now. I hope we can all meet this challenge and in a small way make a difference in each of our corners of the world. Have a great week! #leahmoyes