Leah Moyes Leah Moyes

Make a Difference

It all begins with an idea.

As we navigate these uncertain times with Covid 19 and social awareness, let’s not forget to respect one another’s opinions, beliefs, or lifestyles. The real beauty of this world is diversity and courage. We all have something to share and we all have something to learn. Start each day with a plan to make a difference in another person’s life. It might not take much effort on your part but it might mean the world of difference to another. #bekind #leahmoyes

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Leah Moyes Leah Moyes

I have been bent and broken…

It all begins with an idea.

I have been bent and broken,

but I hope into a better shape

-Charles Dickens

This is a quote used in my new book “Charlock’s Secret”. When I was reading this section earlier, I thought it seemed appropriate for this time as well. We have been in “shelter” for over a month now, and each person/family facing their own personal challenges and obstacles. For me and my family, we have survived on the humor of the quarantine memes and found ways to reach out to loved ones in different ways than before.

We have been bent and broken, but HOPE into better shape…hope is the guiding light that leads us through the dark.

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Leah Moyes Leah Moyes

“Smile and wave, boys…”

It all begins with an idea.

Said so well by the Madagascar Movie Penguins…It all begins with a simple action from one person, whether it is a smile, a wave, an emoji or a text. Kindness is free. It requires very little time and very little effort, but the result can be life-changing for the recipient.

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Leah Moyes Leah Moyes


It all begins with an idea.


I choose to live more, laugh more and love more…

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