May 2021


Dieter Weckeiser

Died 18 Feb 1968- 25 years old

Elke Weckeiser

Died 18 Feb 1968- 22 years old

Dieter and Elke Weckeiser /Berlin | 5.2021

(Photos-Berlin Wall Memorial)

Berlin Butterfly Bulletin:

In book 2, Deception, Ella tells Anton in a letter about a customer of hers at Gustav’s who was a cousin to a couple who died tragically in an escape attempt. Although the story surrounding the cousin was fictitious, the couple themselves are very real and were certainly victims shot at the wall.

There is much to this story that is unusual—starting with the fact that Deiter lived free in West Germany in 1962 after the wall went up. At the time, his girlfriend convinced him to move to East Germany where they married and had three children. It was not common for people to leave the west and relocate to the east, it just didn’t normally happen. Divorced in the early part of 1966, Deiter then fell in love with twenty-year-old Elke Möbis and married her in November 1966.

18 February 1968, East Berlin, Germany.

Why the couple chose this particular night to attempt an escape is unclear, especially since the temperatures outside were near freezing. They not only chose a heavily guarded area near the Reichstag and the Spree River, but they would have to crawl under barbed wire, maneuver past a watchdog run, climb a 3-meter metal fence, swim across the spree, and mount a concrete wall on the West bank before they could reach freedom.

Deiter and Elke were spotted by the tower guards around 11 pm as they crawled through the wire and were immediately shot upon. In the seventeen shots fired, Elke was hit in both the chest and leg and Deiter in the head. Shortly after they were retrieved, they both died from their injuries.

As typical of the consequences of the border guards when pursuing those who they considered to be “border violators who intentionally endangered themselves”, they were awarded medals of valor and promoted. The families of both Dieter and Elke were told the couple stole a car and were killed in a car accident whereas their bodies were immediately cremated. They were only given the ashes if they agreed not to have a burial ceremony or put a death notice in a public newspaper.

It wasn’t until thirty years later that the border guards involved in the shootings faced criminal charges, however, the one who fired the fatal shots was only sentenced to one year and nine months probation, and his supervisor was acquitted.

In writing the Berlin Butterfly books, it was important for me to have the real victims remembered throughout the series. I truly hope that in some small way they will not be forgotten.

The crosses at the Spree River in remembrance of victims who died trying to swim to freedom.

The Berlin Cathedral Church near the border of East and West Berlin

Notice of leaving the American sector and entering East Berlin

One of my favorite photos taken in 2018. Why?

A preserved part of the original Berlin Wall.

A narrower part of the Spree, but no less dangerous for those who tried to escape.


“Return to Charlock” release date…June 6th, 2021!

Pre-order and sneak peek buttons below…

A nemesis from the past, a pompous mother-in-law, and a vixen.
What could possibly go wrong?

One year after her life-changing time-travel journey back to 1878 England, Kat Shelton is swept off her feet by the handsome and wealthy Trenton Gilford III, the owner of her beloved Charlock Manor and the third great-grandson of Merritt Gilford—the 19th-century gentleman who helped Kat cope through her fiancé’s death.

While family and friends descend on the Gilford estate for a traditional ten-day house party leading up to Trenton and Kat’s wedding day, a confounding woman mysteriously appears in an antiquated gown and with an all too familiar insolence.

Ms. Margaret Abbott!

As if Kat’s archenemy from 1878 isn’t enough, her pretentious soon-to-be mother-in-law aligns with a scheming unwelcomed guest, to pursue every opportunity in driving a wedge between the idyllic couple.

Interspersed between archery arrows, horse races, and a lively game of cricket—doubt, deception, and lies emerge. Will Kat conquer her fears to attain the happy ending she desires? Or will secrets from the past crush her resolve and leave her defeated?


Second Survivor is a stand-alone novel told from the perspective of four characters—Isabel, Francisco, Miguel, and Thomas from different cities surrounding the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Though I am in the process of writing a spin-off novella on Susana (Francisco’s beautiful and intelligent sister), I wanted to clarify that this will not be recognized as a second book or part of a series.

Initially, I hadn’t even considered the novella until several readers who enjoyed her character asked that I share more of Susana’s story…and I agreed :)

Other novellas currently in the works are Anton and Stefan and their lives away from Ella in the Berlin Butterfly Series above.

Thought of the Day-

Within you

there is a stillness

and sanctuary

to which you can retreat

at any time and be yourself.

-Hermann Hesse


#193 Smile at everyone you see in one day.

This one was nearly impossible to accomplish last year due to masking up, but now that we are seeing more and more faces, I feel like it is needed more than ever. Covid has really wreaked havoc on us all in many different ways, let’s try to lift those downtrodden spirits with a simple smile, it’s free and can change the world.

*If you have a bucket list item you want to share, select contact me at and include your name and location and I will add it to my list. Have a great month!

*Monthly Giveaway!

I want to hear from you, my amazing readers!

I have started a project that likely will not be published until late 2022 due to the intensive research involving both the Germanic tribes and Rome’s influence. This story comes from my dear brother-in-law who is from Germany. He encouraged me to consider writing about a local legend, and though there are some books out there about this man, they are written more like a history book than a historical fiction novel. More information to come later in the year.

I love finding these types of stories!

So I ask you…what are your favorite genres, time periods, characters, or scenes that make your heart swell? The ones that make you want to call in sick for work and curl up and read all day or disappear for hours at a time? Is there a story that you wish there was more information on?

Please reply to this email and share your thoughts. Everyone who does so will be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card. The winner will be announced in June’s newsletter.

Thank you for following my writing journey.


June 2021


April 2021